This page is dedicated to the memory of those boys aged sixteen and under from the Bristol area lost at sea in WWI and WWII.
Funds permitting the Bristol MN Association is considering the provision of a fitting memorial to these at our Memorial site on the Welsh Back, Bristol. Meanwhile this page may serve as a reminder to all of us of the price of our freedom.
Donations to the Memorial fund will be gratefully acknowledged – please contact the Hon. Treasurer: (Gayner Stiles):
They Shall Grow Not Old
Arthur Beames, Deck Boy MV Ardenvohr, Lost 10th June 1942 age 15.
Son of John and Florence Beames of Avonmouth
Dennis Claridge, Deck Boy SS Toronto City. Lost 2nd July 1941 age 16.
Son of Ernest and Gladwys Claridge of Clifton, Bristol.
William Clements, Deck Boy, SS Llandovery Castle, Lost 27th June 1918 age 16
Son of Frederick and Elizabeth Clements of St. Augustines, Bristol
Francis Cridland, Deck Boy MV Brittany. Lost 30th October 1942 age 16
Son of Francis and Alice Cridland of Portishead
Kenneth Dumble, Galley Boy MV Empire Stanley. Lost 17th August 1943 aged 15.
Son of William and Elsie Dumble of Portishead
Bernard Fitzgerald, Ordinary Seaman SS Ciscar, Lost 19th August 1941 age 16.
29 Blenheim Street, Baptist Mills, Bristol
Benjamin Hobbs, Deck Boy SS Llandovery Castle. Lost 27th June 1918 age 15
Son of Alice Hobbs, widow, of High St., Portishead
Arthur Hudd, SS Empire Mica. Lost 29th June 1942 age 16.
Son of Frank and Edith Hudd of Avonmouth
Victor Leech, Deck Boy SS Box Hill, Lost 31st December 1939 age 16
c/o Portishead Nautical School.
James Long, Deck Boy SS Llandovery Castle, Lost 27th June 1918 age 16
Son of William and Ellen Long of Westbury-on-Trym, Bristol
Charles Rees, Mess Boy SS Tringa. Lost 27th November 1915 age 15
Son of David and Mary Rees of Stokes Croft, Bristol
Jack Tackle, Deck Boy SS Matina, Lost 24th October 1940 aged 15.
Son of Kate Tackle of Bristol.
Herbert Tippett, Deck Boy SS Lapwing. Lost 26th September 1941 aged 15.
4 Pyle Marsh, Redfield, Bristol.
Albert O’Reilly, Cook SS Polyktor. Lost 6th February 1943 aged 16.
Son of Joseph and Ethel O’Reilly of Westbury-on-Trym
Sidney Williams, Deck Apprentice SS Clan Farquhar. Lost 26th February 1917 age 16.
Son of William and Margaretta Williams of Knowle, Bristol,
Note 1: We are aware that this is not a complete list. It was common practice on undermanned Merchant Ships of the period to take on under-age boys without entering them on the articles and as a result no record existed if the ship was lost. For example our member Ray Watts, who sailed as a steward and part-time gunner on the ‘Pedestal’ convoy made two trips unrecorded in his discharge book. Anyone with information on these further ‘Lost Boys’ should please contact us – we can’t do anything for them now but a memorial is surely fitting.
Note 2: The names of over 500 Merchant Navy boys aged 16 and under who died in the service of this country in WW2, including ten of those listed above, are recorded in the book “They Shall Grow Not Old” by Billie McGee, whom we here gratefully acknowledge.