Wednesday 10th July:

Branch meeting followed by a buffet and a DVD showing, RBL Whitchurch. 1200 for 1230

Saturday and Sunday 21st & 22nd July:

Harbour Festival at the Cottage

Tuesday 30th July:

Summer boat trip to Hanham Lock. More Shiplovers wanted to go than we could accommodate so Shiplovers have withdrawn from our list and will be arranging their own trip. This means we now have some spaces free for anyone else who would like to go. It’s on Tuesday 30th July leaving at 10.15 am, returning at 3.30 pm. Please telephone Linda on 01934 833766 or book at the branch meeting

Friday 2nd August: Coffee morning at the Cottage 10 – 12

Saturday 10th August:

Members barbeque at the cottage for members, families and friends

Wednesday 14th August:

Branch Meeting at RBL Whitchurch – 1200 for 12.30

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